Webinar: How to save time, increase revenue and optimise profitability with an effective dynamic pricing strategy

Gain insight into dynamic pricing and discover how to implement it efficiently for your accommodation: sign up for our webinar in English, Dutch or French.

June 25, 2024

Want to watch the webinar in Dutch or French? Switch to your language at the top of this page.

Free webinar on pricing

  • Could your bookings, revenue or profitability use a boost?
  • Not sure how to evaluate & optimise your pricing strategy?
  • Do you lack the time or staff to adjust your prices on all channels?

If you're dealing with any of the above challenges, you should watch our free hands-on webinar, presented by Stardekk & Lighthouse. You'll gain insight into dynamic pricing and discover how to implement this strategy efficiently on multiple booking channels.

Rewatch here in your language

See you soon online!